Corner for pregnant women
Very soon after conception, a pregnant woman's body is like a hormone explosion. They change a pregnant woman’s breasts, but they also affect behavior.
Am I pregnant? This question often goes through the minds of many girls and women.
Sometimes the answer is expected with apprehension, and sometimes the "big YES" causes only tears of joy.
The body begins to change very quickly, a hormone explosion occurs in it , so the first symptoms of pregnancy are visible as early as a few weeks after conception.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, when pregnancy tests didn’t exist in pharmacies and stores on every corner, women used to listen to their bodies.
Today, girls and women looking for answers about pregnancy first search the internet, although the best address for all answers about the body is always the gynecological surgery.
We have prepared a list of the first symptoms of pregnancy for you, so that you are ready to listen to your body.
If in doubt, you know what to do: first buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, and then arrange an appointment at the gynecological office.
The first symptoms of pregnanc
The first symptoms of pregnancy: a small list
1. Irritated, sore breasts
In pregnancy, a woman’s body changes; in addition to the ovaries and uterus, the breasts also change . Hormonal changes after conception affect the sensitivity of the breasts which become fuller and heavier due to the expansion of the mammary glands. Namely, the breasts start preparing very early for the fact that in seven, eight or nine months they will start producing milk to feed their new life. Fatigue and exhaustion
Fatigue and exhaustion are also highly positioned on the scale of early pregnancy symptoms. During early pregnancy, the amount of the most famous female hormone progesterone grows dizzyingly, and when such a high level of this hormone is produced in the body, it then acquires the miraculous ability to fall asleep.Why does nausea occur in pregnancy and how to help yourself?
In addition to the changes caused by progesterone, blood pressure is lowered and blood sugar levels are reduced. As a result, a drop in energy occurs.3. Mild bleeding and cramps
Bleeding that is slightly different from menstrual and outside the scheduled menstrual cycle is another of the first symptoms of pregnancy. This bleeding is also called implantation bleeding , and if you notice it, contact a gynecologist to confirm suspicions of pregnancy and give your expert advice if everything is OK. This type of bleeding is often accompanied by cramps , the intensity and frequency of which are also reminiscent of menstrual pain.4. Nausea and vomiting
Pregnant women and nausea in movies and series come in a package. These nausea are something like a symbol of early pregnancy. And not without reason. Statistics show that 70 percent of pregnant women suffer from them , and they appear very early after conception - after only four weeks. It is not known exactly what causes them, and it is believed to be sudden hormonal changes, a previous predisposition to migraines and stomach problems, fatigue and stress. Also, pregnant women whose mothers, aunts and grandmothers suffered from nausea are more likely to suffer with them themselves during early pregnancy. Desire or disgust towards a particular food
The image of a woman taming a jar of pickles is another symbol of early pregnancy, the movie one. But also, an intense craving for a certain food or a feeling of disgust towards another is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. The feeling of disgust towards a certain food is associated by one theory with a high amount of the hormone estrogen , and another slightly "stretched" theory explains the appearance of nausea as a response of the body to possible contamination from food. Namely, most pregnant women get tired at the beginning of pregnancy when they think of cigarettes, alcohol, meat or eggs. It is believed that such a body subconsciously protects new life from possible substances that can adversely affect the development of the child.6. Digestive problems - constipation
One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is constipation. This indigestion occurs due to high levels of progesterone which slows down bowel function. If you have digestive problems during pregnancy, eat foods rich in fiber such as grains, vegetables and dried fruits. And drink more water. Avoid laxatives unless your doctor recommends them.7. Mood swings
One of the first symptoms of early pregnancy is mood swings. You may just suspect how pregnant you are when you watch some touching drama. Due to the fireworks of hormones it is very difficult to control emotions. Mood swings and sensitivities occur due to a flood of hormones that will hit you in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is very difficult to control your emotions during this period , but it is important to occasionally dedicate time to yourself and relax in the way that suits you best. This will make it easier for you to deal with the situations in front of you.8. "I just know I'm pregnant"
You may not notice all of the first symptoms of early pregnancy , but you will "just feel pregnant," and that's one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Namely, many women still really know how to listen to their body.
Am I really pregnant?
Every woman who is sexually active often thinks about whether she is pregnant or not. And then very often puts a tick on all the first symptoms of pregnancy, although some of them may be associated with changes in hormone levels in the premenstrual period, ie PMS.A doctor's office is the best address to confirm suspicions of pregnancy.