mood swings in PREGNANCY

IN THIS ARTICLE: Aversion or strong urges towards a particular food Mood swings Feeling bloated in the abdomen Frequent urination Heartburn and constipation Fatigue and a feeling of weakness Swollen breasts Spotting Nausea Absence of menstruation Elevated basal body temperature Feeling pregnant Change in vaginal secretion  

Early signs - symptoms of pregnancy

  The earliest symptoms of pregnancy usually appear only when you miss your period , or a week or two later. In fact, in 7 out of 10 women, these symptoms appear around the  6th week of pregnancy and signal that something new is happening in the woman's body. Symptoms vary from woman to woman, and may be completely absent or resemble premenstrual sensations, so you can't rely on them very much. The only way to really find out if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test . Below you can read what are the most common symptoms of pregnancy.  

Aversion or strong urges towards a particular food

Everyone knows the often bizarre desires of a pregnant woman for a certain food, even if the pregnant woman did not like her until yesterday. Aversions or disgust towards a certain food that a pregnant woman adored until yesterday are also frequent. The reason for this is hormones that fill the body at high speed. Your body is still getting used to this onslaught of hormones by seeking or limiting the intake of certain foods. There is a certain truth in the saying "the body wants what the body needs", so listen to the body as long as you are sure that you are consuming healthy things in a healthy amount . However, to make sure that you provide enough nutrition and vitamins (iron, folate, vitamins A and D are most common in pregnant women), it is very important that you regularly consult a doctor regarding diet and possible introduction of supplements .  

Mood swings

It is frustrating how many early symptoms of pregnancy actually look like the arrival of menstruation. Unfortunately, nervousness and mood swings are common in both cases. The body is full of galloping hormones that make you feel and act like "not quite your own". That's perfectly normal - and you shouldn't feel guilty about it. What can help you is plenty of sleep, a healthy diet (foods for good mood - bananas, dark chocolate, cereals, oranges), moderate exercise and fresh air.

Feeling bloated in the abdomen

This symptom can be similar to the feeling you have just before the start of the cycle, when your stomach is bloated and when you can notice that you are swollen on your clothes. In the first weeks of pregnancy, women often feel the typical "blistering" in the lower pelvis, which strongly resembles premenstrual symptoms. Also, during this period, you can feel other sensations such as "popping", tingling ...  

Frequent urination

The hormonal changes that take place in your body after you remain pregnant trigger a number of other reactions that are cause-and-effect related. One of these reactions is an increased amount of blood flowing through your kidneys, which is associated with a faster filling of the bladder, which further leads to frequent urination . As the level of blood in the kidneys increases as your pregnancy progresses, this symptom will be more frequent and intense, and it will later be affected by the growth of the uterus itself, which will additionally press on the bladder with its size. We advise you to wear sanitary pads regularly, because it is common to have small "accidents" and leaks as the uterus expands until the third trimester. In later pregnancy, add a couple of small legs that can kick right into the bladder!


What is not exactly a joy is the fact that constipation is one of the symptoms that can last throughout pregnancy. This symptom can appear very early as a result of oversaturation of the body with hormones that slow down other physiological functions. Digestion becomes slower which causes an accumulation of acid in the stomach. This in turn creates heartburn and from above - constipation . It is recommended that you eat less, and more often - this will help your body digest food better. If these symptoms are very uncomfortable, talk to your doctor about safe ways to alleviate these problems.  

Fatigue and a feeling of weakness

Fatigue can be justified by many causes nowadays, but as an early sign of pregnancy, it is specific in that it occurs suddenly, even when you have not done anything  that would make you tired. This is another symptom that you can feel even before you have done a pregnancy test. Suddenly it is harder for you to wake up in the morning, you often fall asleep during the day even though it is not your habit, or you go to bed much earlier than usual in the evening. Exercising is too hard for you, and working hours seem longer than ever. This can be explained by a sudden jump in progesterone levels in the body, which can directly cause drowsiness and exhaustion. In addition to this, morning sickness and frequent urination during the night only contribute to this feeling of fatigue. The good advice is that if you are able, take a nap during the day and do not overdo physical activities. Some women (the very happy ones) did not feel tired at all during pregnancy, while some feel tired and weak for a long time. However, this is another symptom that should slowly subside as you approach the second trimester. In the second trimester, the feeling of fatigue is mostly replaced by the feeling of energy and enthusiasm.  

Swollen breasts

Breasts are a very good indicator of everything that happens hormonally in your body. Breast pain and swelling, although common symptoms before the start of the cycle, are also one of the early symptoms of pregnancy. However, often the pain in the breasts in the beginning of pregnancy is much more pronounced than in the usual cycle. Your body begins to prepare your breasts for milk production at the very beginning of pregnancy, and high levels of hormones can make your breasts unusually sensitive and painful. Mostly this pain subsides during the first trimester, as your body gets used to the new (second) condition. You can reduce discomfort during the night by wearing a comfortable, soft  bra and during sleep. When the pain begins to subside, remove the bra from night use.  


If you are waiting for confirmation of pregnancy, this symptom could disappoint you at the thought that your cycle has just begun, and that is the least you want. This spotting often occurs and could be caused by the implantation of a fertilized egg , which is located in the uterus. If the bleeding is serious, often accompanied by pain or fainting, it may be a sign of an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy or miscarriage, in which case you must contact a doctor.  

Nausea and heartburn

Nausea can occur very early, after a week of expected menstruation. However, in most women, nausea occurs a few weeks later and can develop into vomiting and a feeling of severe nausea. Although it is often called "morning", nausea in pregnancy occurs at any time of the day. However, it is most common in the morning or during the night, when the stomach is completely empty. The feeling of nausea is also associated with increased sensitivity of the sense of smell in pregnant women. What can help is that you eat more often, and smaller portions as long as you have these symptoms, which usually start to subside as you approach the second trimester of pregnancy. Some experiences say that dairy products and salty crackers can also help.  

Absence of menstruation

This is a good indicator of pregnancy, but it is not 100% safe, especially if you have irregular cycles . There are many reasons that can affect the absence of menstruation , and among the most common are changes in diet, stress, health problems. Some women claim that the  bleeding continued to occur at regular intervals and during pregnancy . Therefore, it is not worse to do a pregnancy test, especially if you notice that the bleeding is less than usual and that it lasts shorter than the usual menstruation.  

Elevated basal body temperature

If you measure your basal body temperature  (BTT) regularly , you have probably established your cycle pattern. In the ovulatory cycle, after ovulation, the temperature jumps abruptly (by a few decimal places) and remains at an elevated level until the next menstruation. Just before the onset of menstruation, BTT drops sharply. In contrast to the ovulatory cycle, in the anovulatory cycle (the cycle in which ovulation does not occur), the BTT line on the graph shows unstable movement during the entire cycle. If you have determined the day of ovulation by observing the cycle chart and if the BTT has remained elevated even after the expected menstruation (i.e. longer than 18 days after the jump), this can be a fairly reliable early sign of pregnancy.  

Feeling pregnant

Female intuition is often infallible. Some women feel differently and say that they "simply knew" that they were pregnant or that they "felt pregnant". Again, some women say that they were suspicious precisely because they did not feel differently.
I felt the same, without any symptoms that I normally feel before menstruation. I knew right away that something strange was going on.

Increased secretion in early pregnancy 

Increased secretion is a normal occurrence in the first weeks of pregnancy. Elevated hormone levels create this phenomenon after conception, so this is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy that you may notice. The secretion is mostly watery. The color can range from white to yellowish. Pink or reddish secretions are most likely the result of implantation bleeding, but any bleeding that is not during menstruation should be checked with a doctor. The secretion may have a mild odor, but if it has an unpleasant odor, if it is extremely yellow or greenish in color and thick, be sure to visit a doctor because this may be a sign of infection. Also, vaginal pain, blood, tingling and pain when urinating are all signs that you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

And finally…

You need concrete proof. Maybe now is the right time to take a pregnancy test and confirm your doubts. Try not to do the test too early, wait at least a week after the absence of menstruation. If you did the test too early and got a negative result, and you have some of the above symptoms together with a cycle that is still missing, then you should wait another day and repeat the test.

  1. The first symptoms and early signs of pregnancy
  2. mood swings in PREGNANCY
  3. Fatigue symptom in pregnancy
  4. Morning sickness in pregnancy
  5. Nausea in pregnancy
  6. Corner for pregnant women
  7. Strange pregnancy symptoms